In which I ramble and rant a little


If I had a never-ending cup of purified ice water on hand all day, that is all I would drink, but honestly I don’t have one and no matter how many times I go downstairs I always forget to get some ice water, ugh, so im sitting here trying to conserve my bottle of powerade and not doing a good job of it. I tried some coke zero today, I must not have waited long enough to try it because it tasted HORRIBLE. Either that or I really am getting over soda. Lately a lot of things have been annoying me, mostly the non existant friends I have and the somewhat elusive father I sometimes see (grumble) I am so annoyed with people right now, and I have no clue why because usually im really relaxed and just accepting of everything no matter how bad it is… Not anymore bucko!

I stay in my house so much that whenever I go outside its like going to another planet, alien and way to bright. I really need to find some sand to stick my head in because it’s really the only way im going to survive right now.

My daughter is going through some weird kinda stage right now, she is 13 months old and all of a sudden she screams and cries whenever her brother gets attention, I have no idea if this is normal sibling rivalry but if it is, wow they start young.

In other news, the word “no” should be banished from the human language…. at least in the case of anyone under the age of 18.

For some reason I do not want to see the new Alice in Wonderland movie, I do not like the Disney cartoon so that may have something to do with it because I find it creepy. Other movies I dont like because they are “creepy” include:

  • Willy Wonka (both movies)
  • The Wizard of Oz
  • Snow White

So ya, there are a lot more but im tired and can’t think of them right now.

This weekend will be challenging since me and the kids will be visiting family but the weekend after should be better, since I will not… repeat, NOT be home! YEY… anyways my moment of revelry is over and now im done. Time to get some sleep.
