Weedle think’s Jeff Dunham is hot… like, Jalapeno hot.


The other day was my Weedle kitty’s vet appointment and im glad to say he is doing great, they cleaned his teeth and extracted two of them, he is eating (soft food) and drinking water. He came home with medication and he seems to be a bit wobbly but other than that he is my same love bug.

I got my new Avon books so I already have my fingers poised to circle the items I want/need/have to have. I am honestly a junky when it comes to beauty products, especially when they say “anti-aging”, the only real beef I have with Avon is that the kids stuff they sell are mostly for girls, I want to see more neutral and boy items in the kids section because lets face it, a lot of the people out there that buy from Avon have kids and grandkids so there bound to want to buy them something too. They have a little bedroom door name sign for girls in the new catalogue, I would love to get one for my daughter and my son to put outside of there bedrooms… but nooooooOoo, they don’t have one for boys and I do not want to get one child something and not the other, i want to be as fair as I can with my kids.

Big brother trying to pick up Little sister

Last night was pretty good, me and the hubby went to see Jeff Dunham live at the Stockton Arena, talk about some small seats and almost zero leg room for tall people (guess i cant whine since im short eh?). I for the most part enjoyed the show except there was no new material for Bubba J which to me is the funniest character besides Walter, so that was a little disappointing. Guitar Guy did a good job at making everyone laugh, especially when he was talking about his son who is a band member of avenged seven fold. All in all the night was good, I just wish they had more elbow room and maybe someone walking around taking drink orders lol… no booze for me 😦

Drinking beer and watching NASCAR!

been thinking about spending some of our tax return on a new dish washer because the old one always tells me he will do them tomorrow and the previous one before him doesn’t work so it’s either I bully the hubby to wash the dishes ASAP or continue to multitask while doing the dishes… sigh. The only thing that holds me back from getting a new one is price, I don’t want to get a cheap one because it has to last untill either I kick the bucket or untill we become millionaires (which do you think will happen first hmm?) so I have one I like in my wish list but I am still unsure if it’s the best in my price range *sigh* who would have thought I would be asking for divine intervention in choosing a dish washing machine. Or i can just hire this guy;

This guy can come wash my dishes any time!

Now hopefully the hubby doesn’t get his boxers in a wedge lol… anyways on a serious note, I like cake. a lot… la la la, ignoring the hot image and thinking of the hubby… and cake.

Okay now, where was I?

I saw a sexy looking recipe on TPW’s blog I am dying to try… basically you just take some  jalapeño’s, cut them in half, take out the seeds and the white membrane… stuff cream cheese in the jalapeño halves, wrap each one in a bacon slice… poke a toothpick through each  one to secure the bacon so the stuffing doesnt plop out and you bake it till its good’n cooked… sounds like a good time if you pair it with a strong bloody mary with some chips and dip. But seriously, look at this thing… im gonna call it a sinister bacon wrapped jalapeño popper with tude!

The Pioneer Woman is my muse and I would totally marry her if I wasnt married and streight

So I think im going to make some of these little things soon and post about my experience with them… and of course I need to take more pictures of my lashes soon so I can update y’all on my L’oreal lash serum trial run.

tomorrow is another day, and I hope I can get all my chores done… laundry is the bane of my existence. till then.
