Oh ya, postage.


Kittens are great… but only during daylight hours, when night falls they turn into party monsters, the only thing that is missing seems to be the keg and disco ball. We adopted a kitten recently and although it was supposed to be my husband and kids kitty as well as mine, it has sort of attached itself to me. I have never experienced such a clingy kitten, it jumps on me at the drop of a hat, when it’s on the floor and im standing up it leaps into my arms… this is one talented feline. We have an older cat I have had for almost 14 years and the kitten has made me notice how old he really is, my poor old man has grown chunky and lazy, when did that happen? I have to put him on a diet because he is eating too much, I had a self dispensing food dish but ever since he had a couple bad teeth removed he has started packing on the ounces (that’s a lot for a small built kitty).

Snickers, our new kitten

I have not been doing as much in my back yard lately, I think the heat is one part of the problem but the rest is just the daily struggle with depression. My mood swings tapered off for a while but then a couple of days ago I became angry and anxious and there was nothing I could do to relieve these symptoms, it felt so uncomfortable that finally I just started balling like a baby and wouldn’t you know it, my symptoms the next day were almost entirely gone… I guess I just needed a good cry.

I have been trying to find the perfect yellow and green eyeshadow and I have been missing the mark because either the color turns out to have very little pigment or it is just to neutral of a shade… I am on a quest to find some better eyeshadow pallets… for now I have made a few cool looks with my newer colors.

Yellow and orange

Purple and silver

green, aqua, blue and orange

That’s all for me tonight, I am one tired cookie!


Hazy morning and a poad


The view outside of my bedroom is fantastic sometimes, I can just stare out there while the kids play around on the floor in my room and I sort of just zone out a little… but this morning the view was stunning.

Here is how it looked outside my bedroom window when I woke up this morning;

the view outside my window

I did not want to really get out of bed when I woke up, but of course the sound of tiny human beings wailing for breakfast jettisoned me out of my state of slumber… at least the view was nice.

After making pancakes I finally got to try out the Hydroxycut advanced pills I bought and surprisingly they woke me up and motivated me to do more than sit here and drool on myself. I am going to make one observation about these pills, they are not, I repeat… NOT, for people sensitive to caffeine because if you take these they will probably make you develop the shakes and have a fierce headache. I read quite a few reviews on Hydroxycut and very few people could take the side effects and the ones that could had to remind themselves to eat… I did not have to remind myself to eat, but I did skip lunch though. By the time dinnertime rolled around I was starving and it was almost pure torture cooking, the food smelled so good! I made chicken fried steak 😉

In other news, I got my Valentines day gift early from my hubby, I took a pic of it right when I opened it;

sugar plum poad

In case your wondering what your looking at, this is a statue of a creature called a Poad, it’s creator is Melody Pena, she sculpts a wide range of fantasy creatures, you can check out more of her creations from her website http://www.windstoneeditions.com/

Anyways, im going to try to take pictures tomorrow of my lashes so I can make an update on the lash serum and hopefully at the end of the week I will be getting some more Avon products


Butterflies and good reception


I got out of the house today with the hubby, we went out to dinner at Macaroni grill which I enjoyed but the portion of the entrée was really small so I am unsure if we will go back again because the hubby likes getting his money worth 😉

After dinner we took a stroll down to Home Goods and I purchased three things;

A 12 inch non-stick skillet in the color aqua, I have been wanting a larger pan since christmas because the hubby gave me the Paula Dean cookware set in aqua but the biggest skillet in the set is 8″.

A shiny faux crocodile skin journal in the color aqua (are you seeing a pattern yet?) which I am going to use for all my food recipe idea’s and successes in the kitchen.

And lastly I bought a two pack of magnetic shopping list pad’s in a pretty butterfly print (can’t beat $2.99) that I really needed since I have been using the back’s of dingy envelopes.

So after leaving from Home Goods we drove down to OfficeMax and finally bit the bullet and got some new phone’s for the house since our’s were all ailing from age and abuse, we purchased a cheap set of VTech’s for $99 which is pretty good I think because it has a main base and then four additional phones that do not need to be plugged into a phone jack, talk about super awesome. While at OfficeMax I purchased some air duster (which we were carded for, weird much?) and then some CD-RW’s. After leaving OfficeMax I was happy to go home, even when the kids drive me nuts I still miss them like crazy when gone longer than 10 minutes.

I am content now that everyone in the house has a new phone that doesnt require a hammer to dial a number or make-shift rabbit ear’s to get rid of the static. I am especially happy that I can write my grocery list on butterfly embellished paper!
