Blah and more blah


Today was LONG. Did ton’s of yard work, including but not limited to puting down grass seed and starter. My mom and brother came over for a visit but did not stay to long, my mom was tired. After everyone left I did some more yard work and fed my daughter (my son was taking a much-needed nap).

Me and my husband ended up going to the asparagus festival for a couple of hours and while there I was harassed by two meter maids who felt the need to be especially nasty because of an honest mistake, I know that if it were my brother there instead of me he would have had them cowering. After leaving the festival I made a pit stop at target and got a new hose since the one I have has very shallow grooves where you attach things (nozzle, weed killer etc.) so every time I use the hose with an attachment the said attachment comes flying off and I get sprayed with a bucket of water which makes me a very unhappy girl. Once home I grilled some chicken and made mexican rice for dinner and by that time my son was awake so he was super happy to play outside while I grilled.

A lot more went on today (and tonight) but it just feel so forced to talk about it, I have no reserve energy and zero patience with myself right now. I am hoping I can sleep in for at least an hour tomorrow… is it just my husband or do all of them normally make the woman handle all things child related (unless its fun)? I love how my husband gripes how hard children are to raise but I am the one who stays home with them all day and he rarely stays home alone with even one of them, men are so lucky were not spiders or we would eat them after being inseminated.

My eyelashes are getting super long, when I get around to it I will post some updated pictures on how well the latisse is working, the only draw back is the skin darkening on my eye lids. thankfully I have brown eyes already so I do not have to worry about my eye color changing to brown.

Oh ya, I won a raffle (I think that is what it’s called) for a chef’s knife last week from the blog “dark side of the fridge” they are in my blog roll if you want to check them out, I do not read many blogs but there’s I read vigilantly because they seem like “normal” people who make interesting food that does not require culinary school but looks and sounds awesome.

anyways, that’s all for now, im tired and need sleep.


L’oreal Lash Serum end results


Okay so I’m going to do a L’oreal lash serum update tonight, mostly because it is wayyyyy overdue and I need to just stop procrastinating and DO IT!

These are my final results using the Lash Serum by L’oreal and although I will keep on using the product for a while more since I do have favorable results using it, I will be switching to Latisse to see if I can amp up the results I have gotten from the Lash Serum… anyways if you want to see the before picture’s and the in progress pictures you will have to look in my archives… these are my result pictures.

The end result im going for is length, but this particular product did not lengthen as much as it darkened and thickened my lashes, which is not unfavorable but I was hoping for length also since my lashes are on the shorter side (to me at least) especially when I compare my lashes to my son and daughters lashes, holy guacamole my children have LONG lashes! Take a look at this!

My 3 year old son's eye's

My daughters are similar but have more curl to them but ya, my son has pretty eyes.

So the next time I update on my lashes I will not be updating on the Lash Serum anymore but instead will be updating on Latisse.

Who needs clay pidgeons when you have frozen beef patty disks?


If you have not noticed lately, I have not posted an updated picture of my eyelashes in a while… this is because of several reasons but mostly because there has been zero, and I mean ZERO change since the last update, it has left me a little let down and maybe even a bit annoyed.

the lash serum trying to look cool on my bathroom vanity

I do have to admit, my lashes do feel softer and more moisture infused, maybe even a bit denser than they were but I was expecting so much more by now. There is still hope though! I have plenty of Lash Serum left so I will just keep on applying daily until it is all gone. I will post more pics when and if there is more change to my lashes.

The hubby and I got out of the house on sunday which was awesome since I have been clawing at the walls wanting fresh air and to be reminded that there is a world outside of my house. I managed to get my new glasses ordered from SEARS optical and now I just have to wait a week to get them.

I got a couple new shirts from Lane Bryant and I actually went out on a limb (for me that is) and bought one in neon green, yup, I have gone insane but lately I have had a thing about wearing different shade’s of green, I think it might have something to do with the color of my hair right now (yes I colored it again!) I chose a new Auburn color from a different brand, the Clairol color I was using rocked but it washed out to a mousey brown within 2 weeks flat… so now im using L’Oreal’s Superior Preference in Intense Dark Red.

Intense Dark Red

The color on the box looks great, the only problem I have with it is it shows up much darker on me and has more of a “Purple” hue to it… so my quest to find the perfect Dark Auburn is far from over so for now I might just try using a color glaze to see if the red can be intensified.

I had to order my groceries online this week and I had an OOPS moment… I accidentally bought the wrong kind of hamburgers *sigh* usually I get my hamburger meat in a large tube because its cheap and I can work miracles with that meat, well, this time I accidentally got the frozen pre-formed patties, so now I have to figure out how to prepare them so they don’t taste as terrible as I know they are, right now im working on a few things in my head that might work but if anyone knows how to make these little frozen disks taste like anything other than cow manure (not that I know what it tastes like) let me know.




I woke up at 7am this morning and took 2 hydroxycut pills and they did absolutely nothing for me and was hardly able to keep my eyes open and weirdly it also did not help suppress my appetite… so it was a very stark contrast to yesterday but I took 2 more of the pills a little after dinner and BAM they worked again, so I have no clue what the deal is lol, im just going to go with it.

okay, so down to business, (or the lack thereof) I took some pictures of my eye lashes today and did not notice any difference between last weeks and this weeks pictures but I am still going to post the results of all three shots just to be consistent;

  • Before

Before Lash Serum
  • Week 1

1 Week After
  • Week 2

2 Weeks After

I still have high hopes for the L’oreal Lash Serum so I will keep updating until I run out of the serum I bought, and most likely that will also be when I decide if this product is worth me purchasing more.

Lately I have been recording a lot on my DVR but sadly have not found the time to actually watch any of it and I probably have a good 12 hours of content saved up so far, I really hope I can get to it all soon… anyways, that’s all for tonight folks, I have to sleep sometime 🙂


Hazy morning and a poad


The view outside of my bedroom is fantastic sometimes, I can just stare out there while the kids play around on the floor in my room and I sort of just zone out a little… but this morning the view was stunning.

Here is how it looked outside my bedroom window when I woke up this morning;

the view outside my window

I did not want to really get out of bed when I woke up, but of course the sound of tiny human beings wailing for breakfast jettisoned me out of my state of slumber… at least the view was nice.

After making pancakes I finally got to try out the Hydroxycut advanced pills I bought and surprisingly they woke me up and motivated me to do more than sit here and drool on myself. I am going to make one observation about these pills, they are not, I repeat… NOT, for people sensitive to caffeine because if you take these they will probably make you develop the shakes and have a fierce headache. I read quite a few reviews on Hydroxycut and very few people could take the side effects and the ones that could had to remind themselves to eat… I did not have to remind myself to eat, but I did skip lunch though. By the time dinnertime rolled around I was starving and it was almost pure torture cooking, the food smelled so good! I made chicken fried steak 😉

In other news, I got my Valentines day gift early from my hubby, I took a pic of it right when I opened it;

sugar plum poad

In case your wondering what your looking at, this is a statue of a creature called a Poad, it’s creator is Melody Pena, she sculpts a wide range of fantasy creatures, you can check out more of her creations from her website

Anyways, im going to try to take pictures tomorrow of my lashes so I can make an update on the lash serum and hopefully at the end of the week I will be getting some more Avon products


Does the L’Oreal Double Extend Lash Boosting System work? I think so!


A little over a week ago I bought the new product called “L’Oreal Double Extend Lash Boosting System” and even though I have only been using it a week, my lashes feel a bit thicker and look a tad longer… so what im doing now is taking a picture every week to keep a record of the progress (if any) that take’s place. I am going to update every week (or near every week) with a picture to see how good this product really is.

Here is how my lashes looked right before using the product:

Before using lash serum

And here is how they look after 1 week of use:

After one week of use

So far these are my results and I have to say I am impressed… Both pictures were taken on the same settings with the same camera. Can’t wait to see my end results!
